Monday, November 8, 2010

Australian Girl Doll

Hi Everyone! This is Britts!
Do y'all wanna hear about Australian Girl Dolls? Ya do? Well, here goes:
*I am going to leave out some of the details as it may not be suitable for some of the younger readers :D*

Several years ago, Mrs. Schofield was looking for dolls for her granddaughters. Well, in America that is no chore with 60 or so American Girl Dolls available. However, in Australia it is a completely different story. Here we have two options: Baby Dolls or underdressed teenage dolls.
The only "good" dolls available were very expensive, or had to be imported from over-seas. Then Mrs. Schofield had an idea. Why not make Australian Girl Dolls? So that's exactly what she did!

Australian Girl Dolls were released it November 2008. The first 4 dolls were:
Amy, Belle, Emily, and Jasmine. Each doll has a different Personality, but they are all uniquely Australian.

To celebrate Australian Girl's 1st Birthday in 2009, they released doll number 5- Matilda!

Wanna know more? Jump over to: or

I hope that answered some questions!! I will add some picture at a later date!

Love to y'all,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Britts! :)

That's so cool about the dolls! Would you please post a picture of yours soon? Thanks! :)
