Monday, August 2, 2010

Message for Hannah.

Is there any way that I could change the background? With permisson of course!
This message is for Hannah......


Jerica said...

I know you said the message was for Hannah but I'm another one of the blog authors and if she doesnt reply in a couple days I'm sure she wouldn't care if you changed to back ground. But you could wait a couple days and see if she replies. Hope I helped!

Unknown said...

Hi Ag Crazy!

Yes, as long as the backround is just cute and isn't wild and weird, of course you can change it. :)

Emily said...

So, when I go to the dashboard it only says posting and settings, Can you change it hannah????
-AG Crazy

Unknown said...

Sure! But AG Crazy, that's not too good that it only says "posting and settings, check in your inbox in your mail (email, I mean) and see what you can do. Try confirming it again, then you can have some more power. :)

Also, i REALY don't mean to be rude or anything, but would you just please end a post with "Love, AG Crazy" Or whatever you would like to put - just please don't post with your doll's name. I'm REALLY not trying to be mean or rude, but if you want, you can put "AG Crazy and Kirsten" or something like that. :)

Hope I helped with the backround AG Crazy!
