Monday, August 30, 2010

Felicity and Elizabeth's Archiving

We are all very dissappointed in American Girl's choice of retiring Historical Characters Felicity and Elizabeth.
Why would they want to discontinue dolls that lived in the colonial era and that is a very important part of history. We have heard rumors that in public school (we're homeschooled.) that teachers are taking out important parts of history and other subjects that kids today need to learn!

Now 3 and soon to be 5 historical dolls will be archived. (retired)
What do you think?
P.S. Please share you thoughts with us on the post!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi AG Crazy! :)

I know, and it's very sad. :( I just got Felicity and she is too beautiful to take away!

I now have all of the archived dolls - Kirsten, Samantha and Felicity, and I think American Girl is extremely wrong to take away all of them, Samantha and Kirsten especially because they have such delicate features. :)But Felicity's hair is very pretty!
Oh well, I doubt there's anything we can do to help it. :( :( :(

I really want Elizabeth and Lanie too, but it will be difficult to get both before they go, but I will try. :)
