Monday, January 17, 2011

New Doll(s) .....

Hello, girls!
Phew, it's been a while since I've posted ... sorry 'bout that. ;-) I've got some updates for you all, so keep reading! :-D
First of all, I got two new dolls, Elizabeth and Lanie! ;) You probably already knew about Elizabeth, but you remember how much I wanted Lanie. Well, I was just about to order her on December 31st whenm my mom showed me that Lanie (the doll) was hidden in my mom's CLOSET! I was like, "HOW DID SHE GET HERE?????!!!!!!!," and my mom said that she had been saving Lanie for my birthday! I was so excited! (Not trying to brag, and I'm sorry if it sounds like I am.)
Here's a photo of Lanie:

Aaaw, sweetie; she was learning to play the piano with me. ;-)

I guess that's about it! I'd also like to welcome our newest blog member, Hannah! Cool that we both live in the same state. :-D

Ta-ta, readers! (Okay, sorry for the cheesiness!)


1 comment:

Caelen said...

Your lucky to get Lanie. I was going to get her but then I heard of Felicity's archivel. I think they are still selling Felicity and Elizabeth.